
Infoling 12.10 (2015)
Título:Sociolinguistic Studies
Siglas o acrónimo de la revista:SS
Año de publicación:2015
Lugar de edición:Sheffield, UK
Editorial:Equinox Publishing Ltd.
DescripciónSociolinguistic Studies is the new title of Estudios de Sociolingüística, a journal founded in 2000 at the University of Vigo (Galicia, Spain) which offers a linguistic and cultural bridge between sociolinguistic research in the Romance world – especially the Spanish and Latino-American world – and the English-speaking research community.

All articles in Sociolinguistic Studies are double-blind, peer-reviewed (with 3 reports in five weeks) and may be in English, Spanish, Portuguese or French (75% of the contents are in English). It takes an ecumenical approach to the different schools, methodological principles or research orientations within sociolinguistic research and also accepts contributions from related fields such as pragmatics, discourse analysis, conversational analysis, interactional linguistics, language acquisition and socialization, linguistic anthropology, ethnomethodology and the ethnography of communication. Papers may examine any issue in sociolinguistic research including, but not limited to, styles and registers, communicative situations and speech events, politeness, bilingual conversation and code-switching, gender and discourse, language attitudes, language ideologies, the diversity of the worldwide linguistic situation, bilingualism and multilingualism, diglossia, pidgins and creoles, language and culture and language and identity.

Factors affecting the knowledge of Chuvash language amongst school students in Russia
Hector Alos i Font, Edgar Demetrio Tovar-García

Social and stylistic variation in the use of phonetic variants of Fortalezense Portuguese para
Michael Stephen Gradoville

Rhotacism in Spanish and its decline in Ciudad Real (Spain). A case study of a change in progress nearing completion
Marko Kapović

The extension of estar across the Mexico-US border: Evidence against contact induced acceleration
Ryan M. Bessett

The use of Catalan verbal periphrases haver de and tenir que on Twitter
Craig R. Stokes

“The obligation of newspeople is not only to give the news accurately; it is also to say it correctly”: Production and perception of broadcaster speech
Christopher Strelluf

Book Reviews - open access

The Multilingual Turn. Implications for SLA, TESOL, and Bilingual Education. Stephen May (ed.) (2013)
Reviewed by Anastassia Zabrodskaja

Gender, language and ideology. A genealogy of Japanese women’s language. Momoko Nakamura (2014)
Reviewed by A. Virginia Acuña Ferreira

Understanding Intercultural Communication. Stella Ting-Toomey and Leeva C. Chung (2012) 2nd edition (1st edition, 2007)
Reviewed by Mariya Aida Niendorf

Kieli verkossa. Näkökulmia digitaaliseen vuorovaikutukseen. (Language on the internet. Perspectives on digital interaction) Marja-Liisa Helasvuo, Marjut Johansson and Sanna-Kaisa Tanskanen (eds) (2014)
Reviewed by Johanna Isosävi

Discourses of War and Peace. Adam Hodges (ed.) (2013)
Reviewed by Vesa Petteri Koskela

Editor-in-Chief's Acknowledgements
Xoán Paulo Rodríguez-Yáñez
Área temática:Sociolingüística

Fecha de publicación en Infoling:3 de diciembre de 2015
Eve Hooper
Equinox Publishing Ltd.