Reviews: Review Style Guide

Infoling Review Style Guide and Information for Reviewers

1. General Guidelines
  1. Infoling is a periodical publication (ISSN 1576-3404). Items posted to Infoling, including reviews, are distributed by email to over 8,000 subscribers. The reviews and other postings are also stored on three servers, two in Europe and one in the U.S.
  2. We recommend that reviews be between 2000 and 4000 words.
  3. Reviews for Infoling should include an overall evaluation of the most important aspects of the reviewed publication.
2. How to Submit a Review
  1. The review must be submitted within six months of your agreeing to write it.
  2. Reviews should be submitted in Microsoft Word or Rich Text Format documents based on Infoling's Review Templates.
  3. To submit the review to Infoling:
    • Go to the Reviewer Information and Submissions page;
    • Under Submit a Review to Infoling, click on the title of the work you are reviewing;
    • This will take you to a page where you can find the appropriate file on your computer and upload it to Infoling.
3. Using the Infoling Review Templates
  1. Please use the Word or RTF templates linked below for your Infoling review! These templates have predefined settings that meet the specifications in this Style Guide.
  2. Download Infoling Review Templates:
  3. You can also download these templates from the Reviewer Information and Submissions page.
4. Where to Enter Author Information
  1. It is very important that you verify that your full name has been entered correctly in the Reviewer Information (name and password) form. This will be your byline for the review when it is posted to Infoling!
  2. You can also access your reviewer information from the Reviewer Information and Submissions page.
  3. Do not include either (1) your name or (2) the bibliographic reference for the publication you are reviewing at the beginning of your review. They will be inserted automatically when you upload the file to the Infoling website.
5. Formatting and Layout Guidelines

The predefined formatting of the Infoling Review Templates follows the specifications of the Infoling Review Style Guide. Please use them.

5.1 Document Formatting and Fonts
  1. All margins should be 3 cm (1.2 in.).
  2. Please do not change the formatting of the review title as it is laid out in the template. Please do not insert your name nor the citation for the work you are reviewing.
  3. The References section should be included at the end of the body text, before the endnotes.
  4. Please use endnotes (not footnotes). Endnotes should come at the end of the document, after the References section.
  5. All body text, including section titles and bibliographic references, should be in 12 point Times New Roman font. (Except for long quotations, which should be in 10 point font.)
  6. Endnotes should be in 10 point Times New Roman font.
5.2 Paragraph Formatting
  1. Paragraphs should begin at the left-hand margin, with no indentation nor tabbing.
  2. Each paragraph should end with a paragraph break (return).
  3. Paragraph text should be single-spaced, with 6 points of whitespace after each paragraph.
  4. The References list should follow the paragraph formatting guidelines for body text set out in this section. (No indentation, single-spaced, 6 points of whitespace after each reference, use paragraph breaks.)
  5. Endnotes should each be followed by 3 points of whitespace.
  6. All text should be left-justified.
5.3 Sections and Section Headings
  1. If the review is divided into sections and subsections, the section numbers should be in boldface (not italics). For example: 1. or 1.1. (The References section does not need a number.)
  2. If the sections and subsections have titles, the titles should be in boldface (not italics). For example: 2.3.1 The impact of Saussure's work on indie-pop lyrics in the U.S.
  3. Section headings (numbers and titles) should be preceded by 12 points of whitespace and followed by 6 points of whitespace.
  4. Do not center any of the section headings (including References).
5.4 Formatting Quotations
  1. If a quotation occupies less than two lines, it should be included in the course of the text, enclosed in quotation marks, and followed by the name(s) of the author(s), year of publication, and (if known) the page number, enclosed in parentheses. For example: "gender does not have a uniform effect on linguistic behavior for the community as a whole, across variables, or for that matter for any individual" (Eckert 1989:253).
  2. If a quotation occupies more than two lines, it should be set apart in a separate paragraph, with no quotation marks, and followed by the citation information in parentheses. The quotation paragraph should be indented 1 cm (0.47 in.) from the left margin and be in 10 point Times New Roman font.
6. Citations and Bibliographic References

Note that the style guidelines for citations and bibliographic references differ slightly for reviews written in Spanish and English. If you are writing your review in Spanish, please follow the Spanish version of the Infoling Review Style Guide.

6.1 Citing References and Compiling the References List
  1. References should be cited in the course of the text by the last name(s) of the author(s), year of publication, and (if known) the page number, enclosed in parentheses. For example: (Lakoff and Johnson 1999:482).
  2. The References section should include bibliographic information for all of the works cited in the text (except for the work being reviewed), arranged in alphabetical order by author.
  3. The arrangement and formatting of information in each bibliographic reference should follow the guidelines for Language, except that titles of books and journals should be in italics.
6.2 Example References
  • Books
    • Báez, Valerio. 2002. Desde el hablar a la lengua: prolegómenos a una teoría de la sintaxis y la semántica textual y oracional. Málaga: Ágora.
    • Livia, Anna and Kira Hall (eds.) 1997. Queerly phrased: language, gender, and sexuality. New York: Oxford University Press.
  • Journal Articles
    • al Jallad, Nader. 2008. The concepts of al-halal and al-haram in the Arab-Muslim culture: a translational and lexicographical study. Language Design 10.77-86.
    • Calero, María Luisa. 2009. Apuntes sobre el Curso gradual de gramática castellana (ca. 1930) de José Hidalgo Martínez y su lugar en la tradición escolar argentina. Revista Argentina de Historiografía Lingüística 1:2.151-174.
  • Articles in Books
    • González, María Jesús and Ricardo Maldonado. 2005. Marcadores discursivos, aspecto y subjetividad. Dimensiones del aspecto en español, ed. by M. L. Quesada and R. Maldonado, 305-326. México: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México and Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro.
    • Paffey, Darren and Clare Mar-Molinero. 2009. Globalization, linguistic norms and language authorities: Spain and the panhispanic language policy. Español en Estados Unidos y otros contextos de contacto: sociolingüística, ideología y pedagogía / Spanish in the United States and other contact environments: sociolinguistics, ideology and pedagogy, ed. by Manel Lacorte and Jennifer Leeman, 159-173. Madrid / Frankfurt am Main: Iberoamericana / Vervuert.