Novedad bibliográfica

Infoling 11.18 (2023)
Título:Language, Migration and Multilingualism in the Age of Digital Humanities
Autores/as:Issel-Dombert, Sandra; Soria, Ignacio Andrés; Morgenthaler García, Laura
Año de publicación:2023
Lugar de edición:Berlin (Alemania)
Editorial:OAPEN (Online library of open access books) / De Gruyter

Located at the intersection of humanities and applied informatics, the fledgling discipline of Digital Humanities is bringing new impulses to the field of (Romance) linguistics. Those are especially productive in the context of migration and heteroglossic practices, which encounter constraining language ideologies in Western societies.


The aim of this volume is to critically reflect on both the usefulness and limitations of digitization in different areas and superdiverse contexts of the Spanish-speaking world. Through 11 case studies, it illuminates the digital turn from different theoretical and methodological perspectives, providing a better understanding of the complex interplay between language and digitization.

Temática:Humanidades digitales, Sociolingüística
Formato:PDF / PDF viewer (acceso abierto)
Precio: 99,95 EUR

Fecha de publicación en Infoling:2 de junio de 2024
Livio Bonaduce
Universität Bern (Suiza)