
Infoling 11.34 (2024)
Título:Yearbook of Phraseology
Siglas o acrónimo de la revista:YoP
Año de publicación:2024
Lugar de edición:Berlín (Alemania)
Editorial:De Gruyter

The Yearbook of Phraseology is a fully international, peer-reviewed publication dedicated to research in phraseology, a linguistic subfield concerned with the study of word combinations of varying extent and type, and different degrees of fixedness. Word combinations are ubiquitous in language and constitute a significant resource for communication. Their study is of interest to many other subdisciplines of linguistics and even to other disciplines, throwing light on the make-up of constructions, their processing and learning, the make-up and modes of creation of complex building blocks of language, the methodology and use of corpora and statistical methods, as well as on the way in which language functions.


The Yearbook of Phraseology is sponsored by the European Society of Phraseology (EUROPHRAS).


Free Access: All volumes older than 3 years.


Carmen Mellado Blanco and Fabio Mollica

Editorial (English)

Editorial (Deutsch)




Paweł Bielawski

Übersetzungsorientierte Didaktisierung juristischer Phraseologie.


Zuriñe Sanz-Villar

Los fraseologismos en el aula de prácticas de traducción: estudio de caso sobre el impacto de los traductores automáticos.


Aneta Stojić and Christine Konecny

Proposal of a catalogue of criteria for the identification and classification of metaphorical collocations.


Zoltán Kövecses

Metaphorical Idioms in Extended Conceptual Metaphor Theory.


Stephan Stein

Das also war des Pudels Kern oder: „Geflügelte Worte“ als Phrasemklasse? – Problemfelder und begriffliche Präzisierung.


Gustavo A. Rodríguez Martín

Phraseological Quotations: Two Shavian Case Studies.


Book reviews


Heinz-Helmut Lüger, Hana Bergerová & Georg Schuppener (eds.): Phraseme und ihr kommunikatives Potential (Beiträge zur Fremdsprachenvermittlung, Sonderheft 28). Landau: Verlag Empirische Pädagogik, 2021.

Reviewed by Tamás Kispál.


Heinz-Helmut Lüger, Hana Bergerová & Georg Schuppener (eds.): Phraseme und ihr kommunikatives Potential (Beiträge zur Fremdsprachenvermittlung, Sonderheft 28). Landau: Verlag Empirische Pädagogik, 2021.

Reviewed by Vida Jesenšek.


Antonio Pamies, Roza Ayupova & Chunyi Lei (eds.): Structural fixedness and conceptual idiomaticity. Elena Arsentieva in memoriam. Granada: Comares, 2023.

Reviewed by Pedro Ivorra Ordines.


Clara Ureña Tormo: Fraseología, lingüística cognitiva y español LE/L2. London & New York: Routledge 2024.

Reviewed by Pilar Valero Fernández.


Erica Autelli, Christine Konecny & Stefano Lusito (eds.): Dialektale und zweisprachige Phraseographie. Fraseografia dialettale e bilingue. Fraseografía dialectal y bilingüe (Reihe Sprachkontraste und Sprachbewusstsein, Band 6). Tübingen: Edition Julius Groos im Stauffenburg Verlag, 2023.

Reviewed by Herbert J. Holzinger.


Jean-Pierre Colson (ed.): Phraseology, constructions and translations. Corpus-based, computational and cultural aspects, Louvain, PUL Presses Universitaires de Louvain, 2023.

Reviewed by Mariangela Albano.




Carmen Mellado Blanco y Antonio Pamies Bertrán: Obituario para María Luisa Ortiz Álvarez.

Área temática:Lexicografía, Lexicología, Lingüística cognitiva, Otras especialidades, Semántica

Fecha de publicación en Infoling:18 de noviembre de 2024
Carmen Mellado Blanco
Universidad de Santiago de Compostela (España)