Congreso, coloquio o simposio

Infoling 2.11 (2025)
Título:Null Objects from a Crosslinguistic and Developmental Perspective 2025 (NOCroDeP)
Entidad organizadora:Universitat de les Illes Balears
Lugar de celebración:Palma de Mallorca, España
Fecha de inicio:23 de octubre de 2025
Fecha de finalización:24 de octubre de 2025
Circular Nº:1
Contacto:Universitat de les Illes Balears,

Null Objects from a Crosslinguistic and Developmental Perspective 2025 aims to gather colleagues to present and discuss new empirical and theoretical insights on null objects from a crosslinguistic and developmental perspective.


We invite abstract submissions for 20-minute talks (+10 min discussion) or posters of original, unpublished work. Abstract submissions to this conference may focus on one or more of the following issues, among others:

  • Which syntactic, semantic, and discourse-pragmatic factors determine the identification and interpretation of null objects?
  • When are null objects optional or obligatory?
  • Are empty categories with pronominal (pro) features involved in the case of null objects?
  • Could there be a unified analysis of null objects cross-linguistically?
  • Are null subjects and null objects typologically correlated?
  • What insights does a developmental perspective on null objects offer? And a diachronic one?

Submission guidelines:

Prospective authors are invited to submit abstracts for an oral or poster presentation. Abstracts should be in English and anonymous. They should not exceed one page (A4 or letter size paper, 2.5cm or 1-inch margins on all sides, 12-point font, single spacing) with one additional page, for examples, tables, figures and references. The abstracts must be uploaded as PDF attachments through OpenReview. Submissions are limited to one individual and one joint abstract per author, or two joint abstracts per author. Upon submission, please indicate whether your work should be considered for an oral presentation or for a poster (or both).

To submit an abstract, please go to


Registration Fees:

Early bird (April 1 – July 1):

Faculty: 180€
Students: 100€


Standard (July 1 – October 1):

Faculty: 230€
Students: 150€


Fees include attendance to all the conference sessions, certificate of presentation (for speakers), certificate of attendance (for non-speakers and speakers), conference documentation, coffee breaks and reception on October 23, 2025.


Important note: In case the registration is not done by July 1, the oral presentation or poster will not be included in the final conference program.


Important Dates:
Deadline for abstract submission: March 3, 2025 Notification of acceptance: June 1, 2025 Registration opening: April 1, 2025
Registration deadline for authors: July 30, 2025 Registration deadline for attendees: October 1, 2025 Conference dates: October 23-24, 2025



All authors who present their work at the conference will be invited to submit their paper for publication. The outcome of NOCroDeP2025 will be a collective book published by a high standing international publisher in the field. Papers for publication will be selected based on their contribution to specific themes of particular interest arising from the conference through a blind peer-review process.

Área temática:Adquisición del español como lengua primera (L1), Español como lengua extranjera (ELE), Español como segunda lengua (EL2), Morfología, Sintaxis

Invited speakers:

Prof. Dr. Maia Duguine (CNRS-IKER)
Prof. Dr. Ianthi Tsimpli (University of Cambridge)


Comité científico

Pilar Barbosa (Universidade do Minho)

Sonia Cyrino (Universidade Estadual de Campinas) 

Maia Duguine (CNRS IKER)

Cristina Flores (Universidade do Minho)

Nelli Kerezova (Goethe Universität Frankfurt)

Maria Lobo (Universidade Nova de Lisboa) 

Ana Madeira (Universidade Nova de Lisboa)

Carlos Martínez García (Universidad Complutense de Madrid)

Gabriel Martínez Vera (Newcastle University) 

Acrisio Pires (University of Michigan)

Esther Rinke (Goethe Universität Frankfurt)

Liliana Sánchez (University of Illinois Chicago)

Scott Schwenter (The Ohio State University)

Ianthi Tsimply (University of Cambridge)

Comité organizador

Pedro Guijarro Fuentes (chair) (Universitat de les Illes Balears)

Melania S. Masià (chair) (Universitat de les Illes Balears)

Maria del Mar Bassa Vanrell (Universitat de les Illes Balears)

Iria Bello Viruega (Universitat de les Illes Balears)

Estela Garcia-Alcaraz (Universitat de les Illes Balears)

Plazo de envío de propuestas: hasta el3 de marzo de 2025
Notificación de contribuciones aceptadas:1 de junio de 2025
Lengua(s) oficial(es) del evento:


Fecha de publicación en Infoling:7 de febrero de 2025
Iria Bello Viruega
University de les Illes Balears