Novedad bibliográfica
Expressing Surprise at the Crossroads has as its aim to evaluate the impact of mirativity in Romance languages or –expressed differently– to determine how these languages apprehend surprise and related notions as linguistic devices.
The different contributions included in the book point to revealing conclusions concerning the status of surprise in Romance as well as the place that mirativity occupies (if any) in the grammar of these languages. In this vein, the volume tries to answer questions such as to what extent do interactional contexts influence the development of mirative structures or how is the solidarity synchrony / diachrony reflected in mirative constructions.
1 Expressing surprise in Romance languages: Key pieces of an unresolved puzzle
Susana Rodríguez Rosique
Part 1: Mirativity and grammatical triggers
2 Mirativity in Spanish middle se constructions
Ricardo Maldonado and Juliana De la Mora
3 Disconfirmational MICA in surprise questions (and some notes on concessivity)
Alda Mari
Part 2: Mirativity and interrogatives
4 Interrogative constructions with santo, cuento, and cuenta: Rejection and mirativity
José Luis Cifuentes Honrubia
5 Mirativity in a nutshell: Expressing surprise through Spanish cómo
Susana Rodríguez Rosique
6 Mirativity in wh-in-situ questions in Spanish
Carolina González and Lara Reglero
Part 3: Mirativity and the semantic implications of the contrary-to-expectations sense
7 The mirative values of Italian altro che
Caterina Mauri and Antonia Russo
8 Mirativity as a semantic notion: The trajectory and status of Sicilian bì
Giulio Scivoletto
Part 4: The limits of mirativity
9 Old nominal exclamatives in a new light
Cristina Sánchez López
10 Mirativity in Romance: Speaker-oriented vs. hearer-oriented expressions of unexpectedness
Sarah Dessì Schmid, Lydia Momma and Evelyn Wiesinger
11 When evidentiality and mirativity meet: The case of ra’e in Paraguayan Guarani and Paraguayan Spanish
Hans-Jörg Döhla
Universidad de Alicante